Friday, April 10, 2015

Update on 2015 Publications

The year has started off pretty well for me, writing-wise. I've got a few publications that have already come out (links below) and a few others that will be forthcoming. A couple will be online, but mostly I believe you'll have to purchase the majority of them directly from the magazine's site itself.

"The Machinery of the Heart" 
in Issue 13 of L'Allures des Mots

First off, the issue is flat out gorgeous. That they took the first piece (also, the title piece) of my newest collection of stories is pretty great. I was really happy with the finished product, both in terms of story and the magazine itself. The story is about a tinkering father on his deathbed and the way he toils over creating a gift for his son that he hopes will make up for the time the son never got to enjoy with his mother in life. 

"Saudades & Ossuaries"
in Slice Magazine, Issue #16: The Resistance Issue

It took me awhile to place this particular piece, but I'm glad it ended up in such a great magazine. That it has a wide circulation is also pretty great. The piece itself is a kind of war story, set many years into the future (and yet feeling very much in the now) and centered around the civil war-like struggle of a country battling itself to see who can be the most depraved in an effort to rule over all. 

"Evans Barlte and the Inspiration"
in Meat For Tea: The Valley Review, Issue 8

This piece germinated from an idea I'd been sitting on for YEARS. Just a weird moment, a line, that finally decided to sprout wings and fly. Evans Barlte, an artist, creates a way for patrons of the arts to consume art in a way that lets them actually feel the entire process of creating a work. From the inspiration stage to the actual painting/sculpting stage, he wows an entire crowd of people at his latest exhibit. I haven't seen the actual copy of this issue yet, but I'm anxious to dig into it once I get back to Kansas City. 

Upcoming Publications: 

"Leonard & Marj"
in Serving House Journal

This piece is an excerpt from my novel "Impasto." It's a strange little piece meant to convey the fracturing of a relationship through the use of tiny moments in the lives of the characters. Imagine it as a kind of movie montage like in the movies, but in a more literary sense. You get the feel of decades of marriage, the tugs and pulls of each partner, over the course of 10-15 pages as opposed to several hundred.

"The Dinner was Lovely"
in Cahoodaloodaling

Believe it or not, this was one of my writing samples that helped get me into the University of San Francisco's MFA program. It's been added to, revised, edited, added to again, edited again, so on and so forth. It might be the best example of where I was headed with my particular style of writing before grad school and it definitely goes to some dark places with a little bit of humor. But only a little.


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